P2NG.1 | Jiang | Yadong | UV Enhanced NO2 Sensor at Room Temperature Based on ZnO Nanosphere and Urchin-like array |
P2NG.2 | Ma | Zhiheng | A benzene vapor sensor with avoiding humidity false response based on metal-organic framework-modified quartz crystal microbalance |
P2NG.3 | Kim | Jae-Hyeok | Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Xylene using Cr2O3-ZnCr2O4 Nano-heterostructures |
P2NG.4 | Sun | Peng | High Performance Acetone Detector Based on 3 D Inverse Opal Structure Hybrid Microspheres |
P2NG.5 | Punginsang | Matawee | Selective H2S Gas Sensors Based on Au-functionalized WO3 Nanowires |
P2NG.6 | Kim | Hyounwoo | Enhancement of Gas Sensing Properties through Branch Formation and Metal Catalysts |
P2NG.7 | Wang | Xiaohong | High Sensitive NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Self-assembled Monolayer Graphene Decorated with Ag Nanoparticles |
P2NG.8 | Khamfoo | Khakkhanang | Formaldehyde Sensor Based on Flame-made AgOx-doped SnO2 Nanoparticulate Sensing Films |
P2NG.9 | Liewhiran | Chaikarn | Highly Sensitive Acetylene Sensors Based on Flame-spraymade p-type CuO Nanoparticulate/Electrolytically Exfoliated Graphene Composites |
P2NG.10 | Liu | Huan | PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots-Sensitized MoS2 Nanosheets Hybrid Gas Sensors |
P2NG.11 | Arora | Kamal | PdO/Polyaniline nanocomposite for room temperature hydrogen sensing application |
P2NG.12 | Lin | Wen-Chin | Spintronic materials for hydrogen sensing |
P2NG.13 | Luo | Wei | Quantity and size dependence of Gas sensing properties for the SnO2 nanofiber layer induced by the junctions between the layers |
P2NG.14 | Ding | Yaping | Electrochemical catalysis and determination acetaminophen through nano-sensor with lindgrenite nanoflower |
P2NG.15 | Park | Seo Yun | Highly selective and sensitive SnS2 decorated rGO based chemoresistive gas sensors |
P2NG.16 | Ma | Ahyeon | Spontaneous Deposition of Cobalt Oxide Nanoplates for Application to Acetone Gas Sensors |
P2NG.17 | Lee | Jae Eun | Sonochemical Synthesis of HKUST-1 Based CuO Decorated with Pt Nanoparticles for Formaldehyde Gas Sensors |
P2NG.18 | Comini | Elisabette | Fabrication and Characterization of p-NiO/ZnO-n nanowire heterostructures for gas sensing |
P2NG.19 | Sisman | Orhan | Wet Oxidation of TiO2 nanoflakes and Their Gas Sensing Properties |
P2NG.20 | Magna | Gabriele | Gas Sensitivity of the surface potential of Pyrene Coated ZnO Nanorods |
P2NG.21 | Alirezaei | Samira | Ni-doped ZnO sensors for highly selective detection of acetone |
P2NG.22 | Khatri | Ritika | Synthesis and fabrication of ZnO-MoS2 nanocomposite thin film for hydrogen sensing application |
P2NG.23 | Werner | Sebastian | CuO-Loaded Porous SiO2 Fibers for H2S Detection |
P2NG.24 | Drmosh | Qasem A. | Polymer-based Hydrophobic Nanostructures for Hydrogen Gas Sensing Application |
P2NG.25 | Ovsianytskyi | Oleksandr | Chemiresistive H2O2 gas sensors based on graphene decorated with Cu2O nanowires and a protective PVP layer |
P2NG.26 | Shao | Gaofeng | Polypyrrole-coupled W18O49 nanowire/reduced graphene oxide aerogel for room-temperature chemiresistive sensing |
P2NG.27 | Oosthuizen | Dina | Room-Temperature NH3 Gas Sensor Based on CuO Nanoplatelets prepared by Sonochemical Method |
P2NG.28 | Oosthuizen | Dina | Temperature-Dependent NO2 gas sensing study of hydrothermally prepared CuO nanoplatelets |
P2NG.29 | Krivetskiy | Valeriy | One step synthesis of Au loaded nanocrystalline SnO2 by flame spray pyrolysis technique and its stability as gas sensor material |
P2NG.31.LM | Li | Gaojie | SnO2 nanosheets functionalized with PdPt bimetal and their selective detection of carbon monoxide and methane |
P2NG.32.LM | Chen | Jiaqi | Highly Sensitive Ultra-Low-Power Hydrogen Sensor Array Based on Three-Dimensional Tin-Dioxide Nanotubes |
P2NG.33.LM | Zhang | Dan | Biomimetic synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks and their Application for High Performance Acetone Gas Sensors |
P2NG.34.LM | Du | Wei | Selective Detection of Chlorinated Alkanes Based on a Novel Ba-MOF QCM gas sensor |